Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Is this what y'all have been waiting for??

OK, we're having major problems posting pictures to the BLOG. Anyone who can help me chime in. The program that worked so great at home is not working now. I was able to post this link to a website where you can see Jack in one picture. I'll be working to get more pics up and to tell you all about today. Much better day than yesterday, and it needs telling. Thanks for your prayers, and I'll be blogging again soon.


Anonymous said...

He is absolutely beautiful-his eyes are stunning.
I think he looks like you Steve.

Clarissa said...

I was going to say the same thing! He looks like he belongs to you! He's beautiful -- very serious expression, there. You all have been on my mind constantly, and in my prayers ...

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to be anonymous. I don't know enough about computers to find the picture Jerry said he found but he did say that Jack was very cute. I am so anxious to see him in person. God's blessings on all of you. I pray that you will have a safe trip and be back really soon so you can go back again.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys - he is absolutely adorable!!! We hope things are going well and are looking for more updates!


stevemctn said...

I'm going to assume that last anonymous poster was Aunt Janice based on the inability to click on a link on the web. Are you responsible for computer science at Ezell-Harding?

Anonymous said...

He is so wonderful!!!!!!You are in our prayers. I loved reading all your postings. Take Care
Diane Sparks

Anonymous said...

I printed out a picture here at work-gotta have one to
take everywhere I go-his eyes look lighter than they do on the site-are they blue? He is just stunning.

Anonymous said...

Well, my brilliant nephew, how did you figure that out so easily? I did take a computer class this summer at Trevecca University and am quite savvy. I do fool around with the computer until I did find Jack's picture but it was too large for me to tell much about it. But not to be undone, Jerry had the computer people at work to come reduce the picture and he has several 8 x 10's to share. This is so exciting and you know we love babies. Love, Janice

Anonymous said...

I am so like Janice(computer wise that is!) I went to the link and one whole eye filled my screen, I'll wait for Kristi to show me her picture...the one eye even though very large looked beautiful--the window to the soul. I am glad that your day went better than yesterday--answered prayer as so many are lifting you up in prayer--I checked this site about every 30 minutes this morning anxious to hear your news..even ran home between appointments to see this news now. we love you guys and hope you can feel the love across the miles. Nan and gang

Anonymous said...

Yes we love babies! Its just when they turn into children that we start to question! He does definitely look like he could be a Mcgill, especially with that pale skin. He has beautiful lips and wonderful skin so I guess you could say that looks like Vonda! Can you believe that I am now a blogger had no idea what blog was until today. I need to get out more! I know that God has his hand in all of this and you and Vonda are always in my heart and in my prayers. Oh yeah in one of your messages you misspelled a word! I love you all very much.

stevemctn said...

OK, we're very busy here and don't have time to play mysterious blogger. Who left the last one about the skin? I have my ideas, but fess up...

Anonymous said...

Steve, Lisa just fowarded your website and email to the department and I have just read all of your journey thus far. I am sitting here pouring out tears. I am so excited for you guys and this is an awesome website and way to communicate with family and friends during this special time. Best of Luck and you are all in my prayers. He is GORGEOUS! Enjoy the experience.....
Tina Timlin

Anonymous said...

WOW!! He is beautiful!! or should I say handsome?! The McGill/Gaylor resemblence is truly amazing. As soon as I saw Jack's sweet face this morning I called Alan at work. I tried to explain to him, through my tears, just how wonderful Jack looks! I have no words to express just how extremely happy I am for you both. I cannot wait to see him in person! We are praying for you daily, hourly, etc.

Love you both, Kendra

Anonymous said...

You have touched so many with all of your loving stories of this long awaited arrival. We are all so happy for you and your family! God bless all of you. Allie is so lucky to have parents like you and Vonda...take care of yourselves.
